Solar power is a sustainable source of energy. However, solar panels work varyingly depending on various conditions. After a solar system installation, it's important to know different ways to maximize the efficiency of your solar panel. Here are three tips to increase the efficiency of your solar system.

Seek Professional Installation Services 

If you installed the solar system in your home without expert help, you should consider hiring a professional to install it correctly to increase its efficiency. Before installing a solar unit, you need to determine the right angle and orientation in an area free of shade.

Solar panels should be set at an angle that will ensure optimal exposure to sunlight. The orientation of the panel also depends on your location. Therefore, despite putting in your best effort, self-installing a solar system will always reduce its efficiency. Hire an expert for the best installation and high efficiency.

Determine Your Power Needs and Minimize Connected Devices

How much power does your home need? Identify your power needs and the power the unit can supply. Also, consider reducing the devices connected to increase the efficiency of the solar system. Practically, you don't need to connect all appliances to the power simultaneously. 

For example, a room with enough sunlight doesn't need additional lighting. Therefore, you can shut down the lights to save on energy. Reducing the connected devices will provide enough energy for all the devices throughout the day. 

Additionally, you also get to store the extra energy in the battery for use at night. Reducing connected devices will also offer perfect voltage during the day and solve any low voltage issues. 

Adopt Routine Maintenance Practices

After installation, it is easy to forget about the panel while expecting maximum efficiency. Solar panels are prone to congestions like debris and dust. These congestions block the photovoltaic cells. Thus, the panel will be exposed to minimal light, which means it becomes less efficient.

Failing to adopt maintenance practices will cause the debris to accumulate over time, causing the solar system to be less effective. Fortunately, solar panels don't need a lot of upkeep. Ensure you regularly clean the panel to remove the dust and other particles. 

You can clean the panel lightly using soap and water or wipes. Sometimes, the rain clears out the congestion on the panel. While there is no standard frequency to determine how often you should clean the solar system, you can gauge depending on the power output. However, make the cleaning more regular as the system ages. To learn more about solar energy systems, contact a contractor. 
